Weapons • Lasers draw their power from your General Power. The laser bar at the bottom is only a reflection of the scroll bar at the top at the moment. Lasers can shoot anywhere in the Short Range view and are never blocked by any object, but they lose energy with distance. • Torpedoes deliver a powerful hit at any range but must travel to their targets. Torpedoes are a contact device and detonate against the first object encountered be it friend or foe! Note: The path of a torpedo may not always be what you expect so take care in tight situations. • Particle Projection Cannon is the most versatile, powerful, and unpredicatable weapon of the three used here. The PPC is not blocked by objects, but each time it is used there is a chance that the circuits controlling it will short out and render the weapon inoperative. The availability of PPC parts is based on the level of play… higher levels usually have the PPC available. Scoring Points will be awarded based upon how the game was completed, the number of enemy ships destroyed, how long the game was played, if it was the first odd Tuesday after a full moon, and a few other factors (just kidding… it's actually an even Tuesday). Once the total is achieved the level of play factor is used to determine the actual score or the Modified Total. Negative scores are common on the lower levels especially if you didn't finish successfully. Only the postive values are affected by the level (level 0 = 70% or so, +10% per level).